POINTS TOWARDS TREATS! The MAINTENANCE DOSE show, presented each week by Ian Kingsley on 90.1 Hope FM, embodies all you need to play an exciting musical game called ‘Texting Treats’ with a friend. Pre-arrange with a friend to play 'Texting Treats' during a particular LIVE Maintenance Dose show and have fun and maybe win a nice treat… at your friend’s expense! This is also a great way to ensure you and your friend meet-up: to hand-over the treat! Here’s how it works. THE RULES (Revised 25th July 2022) Here are the rules to the TEXTING TREATS game...
Use SOmebody
OR... PLAY AGAINST YOURSELF from week to week! If you don't arrange to play against a friend, you can also have fun and challenge yourself from week to week to get higher scores. Take a bonus of 2 to start with and aim for the maximum of 10. Just write down the answers and score at the end of the show. SCORING Points are awarded for correctly recording the following (in your text message): The Phantom Artist: Name of Phantom Artist = 4 points Title of their two songs = 1 point each The Time Capsule Song: Name of Time Capsule Artist = 3 points Title of their song = 1 point The winner is the person with the most points! The maximum is 10 points. SHORTHAND FORMAT FOR YOUR TEXTS: To save you typing too much as you prepare your draft texts use the following short-form identifiers: PAN = Phantom Artist's Name; PAS = Phantom Artist's Song (x2) TCN = Time Capsule artist's Name; TCS = Time Capsule Song Example fully correct text: Texting Treats: PAN= Lusaint PAS= I'm Yours PAS= Use Somebody TCN= Bobby Vee TCS= Run To Him PLAYING 'TEXTING TREATS' AT THE SAME LOCATION
IF you and your friend are playing the game at the same location when you listen, STILL play by the rules and send a text. This then proves who was first and gains the bonus points. MORE THAN TWO PLAYING 'TEXTING TREATS' The stated rules assume two people are playing, but there is nothing to prevent more. This simply means all the losers sharing the cost for the winner. Elect a trustworthy Captain to receive all the texts and determine who the winner is and notifying everyone by text. INFORMAL CHALLENGES AT THE SAME LOCATION If a group at the same location just want a bit of fun without treats, the winner of each challenge - the Phantom Artist or the Time Capsule Song title - is the person to first shout out the correct answer to each. So aim to do this as soon as you realise the Phantom Artist is playing again, or the Time Capsule song is playing. Knowing the artist’s name wins over only knowing when the song is playing. IF you want to play informally against a friend by phone, agree that the first person to phone or text the other with the correct identification is the winner of either challenge. |
The 'Texting Treats' game for friends to play against each other is a level above the two of the challenges set during the Maintenance Dose show. It awards points for your success at these challenges. The following are those challenges, which can be undertaken by all listeners, whether or not they also arrange with friends to play the 'Texting Treats' game. The correct answers to the challenges are revealed at the end of the show. |
If you want to tell your friend where to find the rules of the Texting Treats challenge, simply tell them to go online and visit – or to follow the link on the Radio page on this website:
The Phantom Artist Challenge
A particular artist/band will be played twice during the show, but will only be named once. To identify who that is you need to try to remember the names of artists/bands and detect as soon as one is repeated. If you are playing informally, call out its artist/band first to win, otherwise accumulate points from the artist/band name and, if you can, the title of one or both of the songs they played. |
The Time Capsule Challenge
A song from a past era will be played during the show without particular announcement. This is the 'Time Capsule Song' and your aim is to identify it as soon as it plays. If you are playing informally, call out its artist/band first to win, otherwise accumulate points from the names of the artist and song title. [For older listeners it is likely to be familiar, but younger listeners should detect it by its different style.] |
Website Copyright (c) Ian Kingsley, 2022